I love teaching Extended School Year services! It is a great opportunity to continue the amazing progress your students have made all year. However, ESY is not for all students, which I always found confusing as a teacher. Here is a quick reminder: The Individuals...
In the realm of special education, data collection serves as the cornerstone for gauging student progress, refining instructional strategies, and ensuring accountability. However, amidst the hustle and bustle of daily responsibilities, educators and therapists often...
It’s progress monitoring time for your entire caseload. Your IEP (Individualized Education Plan) goals are written for measurement by data, and you pour through your notes trying to come up with something you wrote that can show progress. Not finding anything...
I remember my first year teaching and working with another special education teacher, she was helping me work on creating my schedule. She told me Fridays are always blocked off for progress monitoring. Not knowing any different, I followed her advice. It took me...
How do we move our IEP teams from data collection for compliance purposes (progress reports) to using data to drive instruction? Data-based instruction (DBI) is an educational approach that utilizes student data to inform and guide instructional decisions. It involves...