As the school year draws to a close, special education professionals are trying to wrap up all of the things before heading off for a well deserved summer break! There are a few steps you can take now to not only minimize stress but also set the stage for your future...
There is nothing more dreaded than finding out that an advocate or lawyer is going to be in attendance at one of your meetings. In our area of Arizona, we have advocates with reputations for only loving the fight and seeing just how much they can get from a school...
In the realm of special education, data collection serves as the cornerstone for gauging student progress, refining instructional strategies, and ensuring accountability. However, amidst the hustle and bustle of daily responsibilities, educators and therapists often...
Evaluation season is underway! Today, let’s dive into the types of the data we need for evaluations and why we need it. At Kit, we’ve been tinkering with this idea, and we’re excited to share some insights with you. Picture this: you’re gearing...
Happy National Mentoring Month! Where would we be without our mentors? That is a question I am grateful I do not need to ask. My career and sanity would not be in place if it were not for the amazing mentors I have had and continue to have in my life. The importance...