The next section in the IEP is Goals. The IEP goals are designed to be ambitious. They are also meant for the student to make progress over a year and should address the needs that were identified in the PLAAFP. Goals are related to the student’s disability and are...
Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) is to me the most important and essential section of the IEP. The PLAAFP is the heart of an IEP, everything can be connected back to it. Make sure to include strengths as well as areas of need. A strong...
This section is at the beginning of most IEP templates or programs I have seen and for good reason. It is imperative you understand how a student with a disability is impacted and what should be considered in the development of the IEP. A well-defined Effect of...
I always start my IEP workshops with this statement: “I can write an IEP in twenty minutes.” As you can imagine, that announcement is met with groans, eye rolls, and gasps of astonishment. This great feat is possible because I don’t wait until the night before it is...