I remember the spring day that the Endrew Decision was released like it was yesterday. This was a BIG deal in the world of special education and many special education directors spent the day refreshing their computer screens waiting on the decision. I know I was....
Most of my professional decisions start with asking myself, “how can we get sued” from this action. We live in a litigious society as evident from the numerous case law regarding special education. A third of the Supreme Court cases surrounding special education are...
Tips for Effective Special Education Teams “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” This quote from Henry Ford demonstrates an effective teaming process. Effective teams take time, commitment, and trust to work. I’ve...
As special education directors, one of our greatest collaborators in the work we do are principals. “District and school leaders support collaboration by fostering a collective commitment to collaboration, providing professional learning experiences to increase team...
How do you solve low achievement, staffing shortages, and unprecedented increases in behavioral concerns? The answer to these questions is co-teaching, or at least that has been the solution given to educators. Co-teaching is an amazing delivery of service option and...