Five Mistakes in Data Collection

Five Mistakes in Data Collection

If you’re attending the CEC Convention in Baltimore, I’d love for you to join me as I present “Five Mistakes in Data Collection.” This session is all about the common pitfalls special educators and therapists face when tracking student progress—and, more...
Maximizing Medicaid Billing in Education

Maximizing Medicaid Billing in Education

Where did the money go? Anyone else concerned about how to fund everything without ESSER and the always dwindling Title funds?  Medicaid is a critical resource for ensuring students’ access to comprehensive health services within the school setting. With...
Maximize the Impact for ESY

Maximize the Impact for ESY

Extended School Year (ESY) services play an important role in the continuum of special education services. As a Special Education Director, it’s vital to ensure that ESY services are individualized to meet the unique needs of each student. Below, I explore key...
Working Smarter, Not Harder with AI

Working Smarter, Not Harder with AI

     AI is everywhere! I can’t open a tab or an email without seeing something about AI. Initially I have to admit I was skeptical. Then one day camping with some friends the topic of AI came up and we thought it would be fun to see if AI could recognize if an IEP...