Happy National Mentoring Month! Where would we be without our mentors? That is a question I am grateful I do not need to ask. My career and sanity would not be in place if it were not for the amazing mentors I have had and continue to have in my life. The importance...
The first thing I want to do is demystify the notion that there is a recruiting or hiring season. Those of us in the field know that this is an ongoing and yearlong process given the shortage of special education providers. The last time I remember being fully...
Raise your hand if you have a school in TSI. I can imagine there are a lot of hands up right now. In my home state, there are over 800 schools identified as TSI and the overwhelming majority of them are in the subgroup of Students with Disabilities (SWD). As a former...
AI is everywhere! I can’t open a tab or an email without seeing something about AI. Initially I have to admit I was skeptical. Then one day camping with some friends the topic of AI came up and we thought it would be fun to see if AI could recognize if an IEP...
A day does not go by that I don’t hear, “I’m too busy” or “I’m overwhelmed” from a special education teacher. As administrators how can we help our busy and stressed out teachers? Give them a nudge into AI. I think of AI as a support to the huge cognitive load we are...