Data Collection for All

Data Collection for All

I remember my first year teaching and working with another special education teacher, she was helping me work on creating my schedule. She told me Fridays are always blocked off for progress monitoring. Not knowing any different, I followed her advice. It took me...
Data-based Individualization

Data-based Individualization

How do we move our IEP teams from data collection for compliance purposes (progress reports) to using data to drive instruction? Data-based instruction (DBI) is an educational approach that utilizes student data to inform and guide instructional decisions. It involves...
How are You Addressing Staffing Shortages?

How are You Addressing Staffing Shortages?

Concerns about staffing shortages are nothing new in education, especially in special education. What is new is the lack of creative solutions. Special education administrators and staff are creative, but after twenty years of addressing shortages we have been forced...
What Can We Learn from the Endrew Decision?

What Can We Learn from the Endrew Decision?

I remember the spring day that the Endrew Decision was released like it was yesterday. This was a BIG deal in the world of special education and many special education directors spent the day refreshing their computer screens waiting on the decision. I know I was....